How far along? 29 Weeks
Monthly Check in: 17 lbs gained, got a stretch mark RIGHT on my behind, thought it was a scratch! Here we go!Maternity clothes? Yes, just ordered a couple dresses to try for the baby shower :)
Sleep: Got a lot of sleep this last week since I was home sick but nights were pretty rough. The humidifier definitely helped.
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby doing what feels like somersaults in my stomach. :)
I am so bummed. I was supposed to be in Chicago this week for work but got completely taken out by a nasty cold/flu and was literally in bed almost the entire week. It was not fun. While I feel like I did my best to recover fast, the highlight of this week was when I was feeling better and actually left the house! I kept getting nervous about coughing so hard and it affecting baby but he's been a trooper and kickin away.
Food cravings: Soup, not sure if it was because I was sick and the windy cooler weather but soup has been delicious this week. Had some chicken noodle (homemade by Tim, he's a way better cook than I am)
Looking forward to: Our 4D ultrasound! I'll be 30 weeks on Fri and they say this is a good time to get one. We can't wait.
Baby item of the week: I'm looking for a pouf or an ottoman for the nursery. So far the stuffed Moroccan Pouf is my top pick. There is a similar one in this adorable nursery here or a blue one in the picture below.

I did a lot of relaxing and getting better this week which consisted of a lot of pics of these guys.
Had a garage sale yesterday which ended up being a bust but look who scored from it.
Is it weird that there was a 28 year old bearded man riding around on this in our neighborhood? This goped used to be my little brother's when we were kids. My dad brought it over to sell at the garage sale. It hadn't been started in probably ten years. Tim was so giddy fixing it and then riding it around after.
And here's a few pics from dinner at my parents today. Had a little photoshoot action. (Left Pic) BreAnne & I - she's trying to keep baby Will in as long as possible but he is getting impatient! (Right Pic) Me & my momma
My bearded man
I LOVEEE ur skirt!! Where is it from?! Looking lovely btw :) xx
ReplyDeleteThank you! Got it from Target!
DeleteCutest pregnant lady EVER.