Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Benjamin's Nursery

I spent a lot of time during my pregnancy daydreaming about Benjamin's nursery.  The colors, the rocking chair, the crib, the art, the smell... everything.  It was probably the highlight of being pregnant, getting to decorate and plan for our sweet baby's special space.

We went with an eclectic vintage feel and I really love how it turned out!  It's now my favorite room in our house.

I found this map on my trip to Park City last year and knew I wanted to incorporate it into the nursery somehow.  I want Benjamin to grow up with a love for adventure and travel.  The porthole mirror is from Target.  The small chest was a gift for Tim from his Dad.

Mobile is from RH Baby & Child

The picture of the boy praying was in my brother's room when he was a child.  The chair is the most meaningful piece in the nursery, it was my Grandma Hazel's rocker and we had it reupholstered for the nursery.  The pouf is from Land of Nod.

The little animals in front of the picture were on my baby shower cake made by my best friend. I'm really going to love showing Ben all these pictures and the stories of where everything came from when he is older, not that he'll care, right?! Haha, boys are SO different from girls.

After Benjamin was born, our good family friend made him these blocks, aren't they great?  She also made him a matching toy box that we keep his books in.  But here's a picture with Ben in it, as you can tell it was kind of hard to make him look comfortable while he was awake. :)

I had to include this picture we took the other day that shows the closet... look closely in the picture and you can see Max.  Such a good pup.  

I love these little feet!

And last but not least a picture of Benjamin cuddling up on Grandma's chair.  We love our boy.

And a special thank you to Blyss Photography for the pictures!


  1. The nursery is wonderful... especially adoring the sentimental touches. You did a great job, momma! I'm so glad to see that Benjamin is healing up nicely from his heart surgery. Hugs from one heart patient to another (and family, of course!) xoxo

  2. What a perfect nursery! Come decorate mine, whenever we have a babe! Benjamin is just too sweet ;)

  3. You HAVE to design my nursery...when I have one...

  4. Your nursery is absolutely lovely!
