Monday, July 22, 2013

18 Weeks

Woo hoo! I'm at 18 weeks - ALMOST half way there. :)

Since most of you who read this are family and friends I'll give you some updates here on how we're doing each week.  Also, wanted to point out that I got the idea to do a chalkboard and track progress from the Baby Garvin blog. Her blog is adorable and she has so many cute, creative ideas!

How far along? 18 Weeks, 3 Days
Total weight gain: 6 lbs gained... But it also depends on where I set the scale on the floor, our scale is prob not very reliable since my weight changes depending on which tile I set it on, therefore I go with the smaller number
Maternity clothes? My MIL got me a belly-band  which I've recently been using more and more.  It's been my lifesaver since I def can't button my pants now.
Stretch marks? none yet... been using my lotion and Mustela religiously
Sleep: Sleeping great with bathroom trips in between
Best moment this week: feeling the baby move and not having to question if it was baby or indigestion
Food cravings: Fruit roll-ups, cereal always sounds good to me 
Looking forward to: decorating the nursery!

Baby item of the week: I've been looking at strollers and I've pretty much decided on the Baby Jogger City Select.  

What are your thoughts or opinions on the stroller?!  I'm new here so could use all the help I can get. 


  1. Definitely go with the City Select. I got the City Mini for jake and love it but once you have Baby #2 (and#3 haha) you need the double stroller option. It's pricey but a great stroller. It also has a much bigger basket underneath than the Mini. The mini's basket is small and hard to get to.

    So excited for you! I knew it was a boy as soon as I saw your belly pic. High and basketball-like haha.

    And I love the Anthro rug!!!

    1. Thanks Cristine! Yeah, I've been reading so many reviews on the stroller and only heard good things so far! We'll have our gender ultrasound on Fri so we'll get our 100% boy confirmation then. :)
